The Training Portal

This portal supports service providers from MCCMH and contracted provider agencies in offering excellent behavioral health services. The training assigned may vary based on each provider’s specific policy and procedures. 

Training requirements are guided by: 

  • The Medicaid Provider Manual 
  • The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) 
  • Licensing requirements for contracted services 
  • Legislative requirements for federal- and state-funded programs and grants 

Available in-person and online trainings help providers master: 

  • Clinical person-centered planning 
  • MDHHS-required assessment tools (MichiCANS, DECA, LOCUS) 
  • Self-determination 
  • Recipient Rights 
  • Trauma-informed care 
  • English proficiency 
  • Cultural competency 
  • Grievance and appeals 


To sign up or view our current training opportunities, check out our training calendar below! 

See Training Opportunities


Note: MCCMH providers must comply with the location, run-time, and frequency of the training they register for to avoid delaying service requirements and maintain compliance with federal- and state-mandated guidelines, as outlined in the training policy 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can my training that was completed with another Community Mental Health entity be reciprocated by MCCMH?

Because many service providers work under two or more Community Mental Health systems, often with overlapping training requirements, we have taken steps to reduce duplicate trainings. 

You can find detailed information about reciprocal trainings in the 3-015 Exhibit B or 10-007 Exhibit B course descriptions. These course descriptions list the trainings approved by the Training Committee and outline the process for getting training reviewed for reciprocity. 

If you have training that is eligible for reciprocation, you must follow MCCMH’s training standards and frequency outlined in the policy manual. 

What should I do with my training certificate once I complete the required training?

Your employer should receive a copy of your training certificate to keep in your personnel file. It is also a good idea to keep the original training certificate in case it gets lost or misplaced.

Can I still take the offered trainings even if I do not work directly with the people in MCCMH’s system?

No, the training provided by MCCMH’s Training Department is only open to service providers within the MCCMH system.

What happens if I arrive late for training?

Trainings begin promptly at the designated start time. If you arrive 10 minutes after the scheduled start time, you cannot participate in the training and must reschedule. 

Where is the Training Department located?

6555 15 Mile Road, Sterling Heights, MI 48312

What information do I need to register for training?

We will need your first and last name, contact information, the name of the company you work for, and specific training information (course name, date and time of training, etc.).

How do I access the MCCMH LMS website to complete the required trainings under my user profile?

Log in with your provided username and password here. 

How can I contact the Training Department?

Call the Training Department at 586-465-8326 or contact them via email at [email protected]

Give Us A Call For More Information