To Our Providers

Thank you for partnering with MCCMH to serve and meet the needs of residents throughout Macomb County. We truly value and appreciate the hard work and dedication channeled through your organizations to provide quality mental and behavioral health services. This section provides an overview of information to help you stay informed of our processes and procedures while connecting you to resources to carry out billing matters, contracts, and more.

Thank you for partnering with MCCMH to serve the residents of Macomb County. We truly appreciate the hard work and dedication your organization puts into providing quality mental and behavioral health services. This section offers an overview of important information to help you stay informed about our processes and procedures, as well as connect you to resources for handling billing matters, contracts, and more.

Focus Login

Our Electronic Medical Records (EMR) are centralized through a platform called FOCUS. This system enables us to collect and securely store patients’ health information, as well as file and bill claims in a digital format. To gain access to FOCUS, a provider must complete a FOCUS Access Request Form and have an established contract with MCCMH. For further details, please refer to the FOCUS Access Management Policy 3-016.

Provider Login

Our Provider Portal is used to review contracting documents and acts as a secure communication platform between providers and our Network Operations Department.

Current Partnership Opportunities

Before reviewing our partnership opportunities, current providers are encouraged to evaluate Michigan’s Mental Health Code, Medicaid Manual, our Procurement Policy 3-020, as well as the Audit Content and Timetable Policy 3-001 requirements to recertify their qualifications as a provider.
Once certified, complete our Provider Application and W-9 form. Check out our current partnership opportunities below!

Frequently Asked Questions

What should we do when a staff member no longer requires access to FOCUS or moves on from our organization?

If a staff member who currently has access to the FOCUS EMR is no longer employed with the contracted provider or has a different role that does not require them to have access to FOCUS, please complete the FOCUS Access Request Form and email it to [email protected].

How can we add a service to our current contract?

If a currently contracted provider would like to add a new service line to support MCCMH individuals, they should notify their assigned contract manager of the service they would like to adapt to expand their contract. It is important to note that all providers must follow the RFP process to add services to their contracts.

What should we do if we cannot access the Provider Portal?

If a provider cannot log in to the Provider Portal, they can call or email their contract manager or [email protected] to request their login information. Providers can change their password and any necessary account information once they regain their access to the Provider Portal.

Give Us A Call For More Information