Direct Providers
Guidelines and Procedures
2020.03 COVID Screening Consumers Procedure
2020.11 CMO’s Recommendations Assessing elopement risk (communication)
2021.10 Nursing assigned to Assessment and Intake individuals (see also procedure for April 2022)
2022.02 Direct Clinics Safe Practice Guidelines Suspected Misuse of Controlled Med
2022.02 Appendix A MCCMH Direct Clinics Controlled Substance Monitoring Process
2022.02 Opioid Patient Education
2022.04 Coordination of Care Procedure
2022.04 Coordination of care workflow
2022.04 Lab Specimen Collection Procedure
2022.04 Providing Individuals Health Education
2022.04 Referral to complete SNA (T1001) workflow
2022.04 Referral to complete Specialized Nursing Assessment (T1001) Procedure
2022.04 Referring Individuals for Nursing Services Procedure
2022.04 Referring individuals to Nursing workflow
2022.04 RN Injection Procedure
2022.04 RN Injection workflow (final)
2022.06 Identification and Monitoring of Individuals at Elevated-Risk for Harm to Self-Others
2023.01 Guidelines Effective 1.27.23-Individual in Controlled Substances.
2023.01 Individual on Controlled Substances
2023.04 Treatment Plan Peer Review Requests
Controlled Substance Monitoring Persons Served Information
2023.08 Injectable Benadryl for Acute EPS Reactions-Directs-Final
2023.08 Stockpiling Prevention Procedure-directs
2023.10 Administering of Long Acting Injectables
2023.10 Laboratory Specimen Collection
2024.01 Guidelines on treating ADHD
2024.01 Treatment of Patients with Schizophrenia
2024.01 Treatments of Patients with Depression
2024.01 Clinical Practice Guidelines Procedure
2024.07 Best Practices and Guidelines for Monitoring and Management of Polypharmacy
2024.07 Exhibit A-Polypharmacy-ARMOR Tool MSU
2024.12.16 MCCMH Preventive Care Guidelines – Obesity and Healthy Weight
2024.12.16 MCCMH – Handout Obesity and Healthy Weight
2024.12.16 Local Guide for Food Pantries.pdf
2021.11 Prescribing Agent E -Rx
2022.01 Michigan Automated Prescription System (MAPS) Reports
2022.05 Multidisciplinary Team Huddles Memo
2022.09 Marijuana Prescribing Practices
2023.01 Clinical Treatment Team Best Practice – Ongoing Multidisciplinary Team Meetings
2023.2.10 Individuals who are seeing a Licensed Prescriber for the first time
2023.02 CMO Memo-Directs-Individuals who are seeing a Licensed Prescriber for the first time